Thank you for considering Blanchards Restaurant or Blanchards Beach Shack for your private event. Please provide the following information so we may assist you further.
Event Venue* BlanchardsBeach ShackUndecided
First Name*
Last Name*
Are you an event planner? YesNo
Where will you be staying in Anguilla?
Preferred Event date*
Preferred Event Time*
Anticipated Guest Count?*
What type of event are you planning?* Corporate EventIncentive GroupRehearsal DinnerWedding ReceptionWedding CeremonyWelcome PartyBirthday or AnniversaryOther
How would you like to be contacted? EmailPhone
Is there any other information you would like us to know?
How did you hear about private events at Blanchards? -----Select-----Resort referralWeb searchFriendFacebookInstagramBlanchards websiteDuring a visit to Anguilla